[reSIProcate] compiling nICEr

Volkan Hatem volkan at hatem.net
Sat Sep 19 07:05:35 CDT 2015

Hi All,

I am not sure if this is the right list to post about nICEr.


I'm trying to compile nICEr but it seems like changes copied from the
gecko-dev repository without updates to nrappkit have broken it. Is there
an up-to-date nrappkit repository I can use along with resiprocate/nICEr?


I have been looking for an ICE implementation which supports TCP
(especially TCP simultaneously-open) candidates. It seems like only firefox
and chrome implement RFC 6544 on client side. Among the two, only nICEr
seemed isolated enough to be used as an ICE library. Are there any
alternatives in case back-porting changes from gecko to nICEr and nrappkit
prove to require too much work?

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