[reSIProcate] Use DUM send Message

许波 xubonts at 163.com
Tue Jun 16 19:25:11 CDT 2015

When I write the code like this

      SharedPtr<UserProfile> outboundUserProfile(m_dum.getMasterUserProfile());
      ClientPagerMessageHandle cpmh = m_dum.makePagerMessage(myDest,outboundUserProfile);
      body = m_sipmsg.getContents()->clone();
      auto_ptr<Contents> content(body);

The DUM will send MESSAGE to the destination. And if the dest doesn't reply, DUM will try about 11 times.
I want to know, is there any way to get the status that the DUM haven't got the reply ?
In my wok, I need to do something if the sent MESSAGE get no reply !


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