[reSIProcate] [resiprocate] Update the Wants and After details for the reTurnServer service (#15)

Thomas Thorne notifications at github.com
Thu Apr 23 05:41:36 CDT 2015

I noticed that the repro service was not starting up as it should do n Fedora 21 for me.  I discussed this via the repro-users mailing list with Daniel Pocock and he asked that I generate a patch and pull request for both the repro and reTurnServer so that the pros and cons of this particular solution could be discussed in the pull request.  

These changes made the repro.service start reliably on reboot for me.  Presumably the same changes would work for the reTurn service too.  
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Update the Wants and After details for the reTurn service

-- File Changes --

    M reTurn/pkg/fedora/resiprocate-turn-server.service (3)

-- Patch Links --


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