[reSIProcate] TransportSelector::findTransportByDest question

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Tue Mar 31 13:25:03 CDT 2015

I'm not sure why things are they way they are - and perhaps they can be

Looking at the code it seems that if you have multiple TLS transports then
findTransportByDest will always fail (this looks intentional), and that
findTransportBySource will be expected to find the correct TLS transport
based on the TLS domain set in the SipMessage.  See the first "if" block in
findTransportBySource.  It seems your app would need to call
SipMessage::setTlsDomain in order for this to work with the transport
selection code today.

It should be noted that if your app fills out the top Via, that is checked
for before findTransportByDest - however this will never match a TLS
transport with today's code.


On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 5:53 AM, palladin <p-aladin at yandex.ru> wrote:

> Dear resip devels,
> resiprocate 1.9.2
> Could you please help with next issue:
> SipStack allows to configure more then one TLS transport.  When
> TransportSelector invokes findTransportByDest for outgoing TLS target - it
> can't choose any one.  Could you please advise what is the reason of such
> behavior?
> Is it possible to change TLS transport search inside TransportSelector::mTypeToTransportMap?
> For example,  by top most Via.
> Appreciate in advance, Taras.
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