[reSIProcate] CSeq jumps

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Fri Mar 20 09:38:25 CDT 2015

As an implementation matter, recipients of SIP messages cannot rely on CSeq being contiguous. Consider what the far endpoint sees when a proxy sends a 407 in response to a request. 


> On Mar 20, 2015, at 07:16, Diego Carvalho Domingos <ddomingos at daitangroup.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a call where CSeq jumped. Resiprocate was acting as UAS. It received the INVITE, sent the 200-OK and received the ACK. All good. Then it sent the first request, an INFO, with CSeq = 2 (I thought resiprocate would start the counter at 1, but no problem so far). Then during the call some other INFOs were sent, and the CSeq was increased correctly until 22. Then a RE-INVITE was sent with CSeq = 27 (instead of 23).
> The interesting point is that there were other INFOs with CSeq = 23, 24, 25, 26 and 29 (all but 29 received a 500 as response because CSeq was out of order) and another RE-INVITE with CSeq = 28, so it seems there were two different counters that didn’t overlap.
> Has someone experienced the same situation? Does anyone know if this is a known bug and is fixed in the latest version (I’m using 1.8.10)?
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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