[reSIProcate] RFC 3455 headers and parameters
John Gregg
jgregg at aylus.com
Thu Sep 25 09:53:51 CDT 2014
Sorry it took me so long to get around to this, but in case it is still
useful, here are the patch files corresponding to the changes I made
locally, as described in my email to this list back on 6/2/14.
-John Gregg
On 09/16/2014 11:48 AM, Dario Bozzali wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Following suggestions that John sent us in his mail, I created a patch
> file for new headers and parameters contained in RFC 3455.
> Moreover I included changes for User-to-User header and corresponding
> parameters as indicated in draft-johnston-sipping-cc-uui-09 and
> draft-ietf-cuss-sip-uui-17 drafts.
> I encountered some problems using gperf under Windows since I obtained
> an error using option -k "*" and I had to use --key-positions="*".
> Could you please, or anyone else that is interested in these changes,
> have a look at attached patch file and give me your opinion?
> Note that “purpose” parameter is already present since it is used for
> GenericUri, but not for Token, so in some place I commented it out.
> Thank you in advance and best regards,
> Dario.
> *From:*slgodin at gmail.com [mailto:slgodin at gmail.com] *On Behalf Of
> *Scott Godin
> *Sent:* venerdì 12 settembre 2014 14.51
> *To:* Dario Bozzali
> *Cc:* resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
> *Subject:* Re: [reSIProcate] RFC 3455 headers and parameters
> Hi Dario,
> We haven't had the cycles to integrate these changes yet. It would be
> great if John could provide a patch file.
> Keep in mind you can always support headers and parameters that aren't
> officially called out in the stack parser by using ExtensionParamater
> and ExtensionHeaders logic.
> https://www.resiprocate.org/Use_Overview#Extension_Header
> https://www.resiprocate.org/Extending_the_stack
> Scott
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Dario Bozzali
> <Dario.Bozzali at ifmgroup.it <mailto:Dario.Bozzali at ifmgroup.it>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am interested in RFC 3455 and I was wondering if there are any
> news about integration of these features in main line.
> John, if they will not be added to main line, could you please
> post the patch file?
> I am also concerned about User-to-User information transport over
> SIP (draft-johnston-sipping-cc-uui-09, draft-ietf-cuss-sip-uui-17).
> Could I use a similar approach to add support for User-to-User
> header in Resiprocate?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards, Dario.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel
> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org
> <mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org>] On Behalf Of
> John Gregg
> Sent: lunedì 2 giugno 2014 22.03
> To: resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
> <mailto:resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org>
> Subject: [reSIProcate] RFC 3455 headers and parameters
> I changed the following files:
> M Token.cxx
> M ParameterTypes.cxx
> M Headers.hxx
> M SipMessage.cxx
> M HeaderTypes.hxx
> M ParameterTypeEnums.hxx
> M HeaderHash.cxx
> M ParameterHash.cxx
> M Token.hxx
> M Headers.cxx
> M HeaderHash.gperf
> M ParameterHash.gperf
> M ParameterTypes.hxx
> M SipMessage.hxx
> All I did was add the following header definitions, where appropriate:
> defineHeader(PAccessNetworkInfo, "P-Access-Network-Info", Token,
> "RFC 3455"); defineHeader(PChargingVector, "P-Charging-Vector",
> Token, "RFC 3455"); defineHeader(PChargingFunctionAddresses,
> "P-Charging-Function-Addresses", Token, "RFC 3455");
> defineMultiHeader(PVisitedNetworkID, "P-Visited-Network-ID",
> Token, "RFC 3455");
> And the following parameters:
> defineParam(description, "description",
> QuotedDataParameter, "RFC 3840");
> defineParam(utranCellId3gpp, "utran-cell-id-3gpp",
> DataParameter, "RFC 3455"); // P-Access-Network-Info
> defineParam(cgi3gpp, "cgi-3gpp", DataParameter, "RFC
> 3455"); // P-Access-Network-Info
> defineParam(ccf, "ccf", DataParameter, "RFC 3455"); //
> P-Charging-Function-Addresses
> defineParam(ecf, "ecf", DataParameter, "RFC 3455"); //
> P-Charging-Function-Addresses
> defineParam(icidValue, "icid-value", DataParameter, "RFC
> 3455"); // P-Charging-Vector
> defineParam(icidGeneratedAt, "icid-generated-at",
> DataParameter, "RFC 3455"); // P-Charging-Vector
> defineParam(origIoi, "orig-ioi", DataParameter, "RFC
> 3455"); // P-Charging-Vector
> defineParam(termIoi, "term-ioi", DataParameter, "RFC
> 3455"); // P-Charging-Vector
> I figured it would be less confusing to just describe the changes
> than to include diff files for all the files involved, but I can
> do that upon request. I think it would be a good idea to
> incorporate this change into the next resiprocate release, and I
> can't see a downside. I'm not completely sure that Token is the
> right object type to use for all of them, but it worked for me.
> -John Gregg
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