[reSIProcate] [resiprocate] New headers and parameters from RFC 3455 and UUI drafts (#6)

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Wed Sep 24 05:29:42 CDT 2014

On 23/09/14 18:34, Dario Bozzali wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Excluding DayOfWeekHash and MonthHash from build I was able to compile without changing DateCategory.cxx.
> DayOfWeekHash and MonthHash are built because tool configured in project is "C/C++ Compiler Tool" instead of "Custom Build Tool" as per other header files.

Is this a mistake in the way that I added those files to one of the
Visual Studio project files?

I just edited the project file in a text editor and added them amongst
the other header files (because they can't be compiled on their own) but
maybe Visual Studio sees the extension and insists on trying to compile
them or something.

I tried to manually merge from the command line to see what is different:

$ git remote add dbozzali https://github.com/dbozzali/resiprocate
$ git fetch dbozzali
remote: Counting objects: 77, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (60/60), done.
remote: Total 77 (delta 47), reused 23 (delta 17)
Unpacking objects: 100% (77/77), done.
$ git checkout new-pheaders
Branch new-pheaders set up to track remote branch new-pheaders from
Switched to a new branch 'new-pheaders'
$ git merge new-pheaders
Auto-merging resip/stack/resiprocate_9_0.vcproj
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in resip/stack/resiprocate_9_0.vcproj
Auto-merging resip/stack/resiprocate_8_0.vcproj
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in resip/stack/resiprocate_8_0.vcproj
Auto-merging resip/stack/resiprocate_10_0.vcxproj.filters
Auto-merging resip/stack/resiprocate_10_0.vcxproj
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in resip/stack/resiprocate_10_0.vcxproj
Auto-merging resip/stack/gen/ParameterHash.cxx
Auto-merging resip/stack/gen/MethodHash.cxx
Auto-merging resip/stack/gen/HeaderHash.cxx
Auto-merging resip/stack/DateCategory.cxx
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

so it looks like it is just the Visual Studio stuff.  I haven't pushed
this up to the repository though, I just wanted to see why Gtihub warns
it is not ready to merge.

I don't think we need to #include these new cxx files into
DateCategory.cxx - I just did that so it may appear to work the way it
used to work.  Some people use gperf output files in that way.  Maybe we
do just need to compile them as standalone object files just like the
other *Hash.cxx files and then it will be more consistent.  If we copy
things exactly from those other files (e.g. copy the header stuff at the
top of MethodHash.gperf into dayofweek.gperf) then it should just work
the same way.



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