[reSIProcate] [resiprocate] New headers and parameters from RFC 3455 and UUI drafts (#6)

Dario Bozzali Dario.Bozzali at ifmgroup.it
Tue Sep 23 10:01:31 CDT 2014

Hi Daniel,
I merged master in my branch (new-pheaders), but on Windows I obtain errors while compiling DayOfWeekHash.cxx and MonthHash.cxx.
I committed anyway, but I’m not sure how to solve the issue since you wrote “echo DayOfWeekHash.cxx and MonthHash.cxx require sed, please generate them on a Linux host.” in gperf_w32.bat.
Moreover, in GitHub it appears the following warning “This pull request contains merge conflicts that must be resolved.”.
Is for this reason that the Travis CI does not start the build?

From: Daniel Pocock [mailto:notifications at github.com]
Sent: martedì 23 settembre 2014 15.53
To: resiprocate/resiprocate
Cc: Dario Bozzali
Subject: Re: [resiprocate] New headers and parameters from RFC 3455 and UUI drafts (#6)

I just merged the gperf-fixes branch into master. Can you please merge master into your branch? You will probably get a merge conflict in gperf_w32.bat because I added some comments there about the dayofweek and month stuff.

Then travis-ci should rebuild your branch and re-run gperf over your changes automatically.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub<https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate/pull/6#issuecomment-56522521>.
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