[reSIProcate] moving to Git

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Thu Sep 11 03:45:51 CDT 2014

There is now a wiki about this:


and it will hopefully happen within the next 7 days.

Please reply on resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org if you have questions
or concerns.

On 15/08/14 20:51, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> There have been some private discussions among developers about the
> proposed move to Git and/or Github
> This is now quite likely to happen in the first half of September.  A
> subsequent email to resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org will give a more
> precise date.
> Anybody with work on a branch may want to try and commit the work before
> the migration takes place.  It will still be possible to manually copy
> files from an SVN workspace to a Git workspace though.
> The Git repository is very likely to be based on the Github mirror:
> https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate
> The mirror should contain all branches and commits from SVN.  If you
> feel there are any faults in the way the mirror has been constructed,
> please let us know.

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