[reSIProcate] Git/Github practical stuff

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Thu Jul 31 07:11:39 CDT 2014

Just some practical things that would arise from a move to Git and/or

- code review - just about anybody can contribute pull requests for
review, it is very convenient and will probably attract more
contributions to the stack.  However, are there more people who would
have time to go through the contributions annotating them with feedback
or escalating them to the mailing list for discussion when necessary?

- IRC.  Given that some people are not familiar with Git, the IRC
channel may be a good place for people to ask questions during the first
1-2 months of Git.  #resiprocate on irc.freenode.net - would anybody
prefer to use XMPP multi-user chat or some other channel?  Are more
people able to log in to IRC, even if not using it every day?

- Github wikis and issue tracker.  Personally, I think these should
remain disabled (as they are now in the Github mirror of SVN), migrating
content from the existing wiki and bugzilla doesn't seem worthwhile and
the existing systems work well.  While many github projects uses the
built in wiki and bug tracker, they do next force us to use them.

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