[reSIProcate] github "Developers" team for reSIProcate mirror
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.pro
Tue Jun 24 02:40:12 CDT 2014
It appears that only Scott and myself are getting the build
notifications from travis-ci.org
That is because they only send the emails to people who are listed in
the Github ACL for the project.
Therefore, I created a team called Developers in Github and added all
those SVN users who appear to have a Github account based on the list here:
Please do NOT push commits to Github manually for the moment. Right
now, this Github repository is only a mirror of SVN and should only
contain commits from SVN. The only reason I have created this team in
Github is so that people will receive notification emails if they make a
commit that breaks the build.
We could also have the notifications sent to a mailing list
(resiprocate-devel?) when the build breaks and when it is fixed again:
To make that work, we just need to add the settings in .travis.yml in
SVN and then set up mailman to whitelist emails from travis-ci.org.
With some fine tuning, we could ensure that we only get the
notifications for the trunk and not for work people are doing on branches.
More information about the resiprocate-devel
mailing list