[reSIProcate] resiprocate-devel Digest, Vol 122, Issue 4
Ponrajadurai Sokkeswaran
ponrajit at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 6 12:32:31 CDT 2014
Please remove my mail address from the subscription list.
Ponrajadurai Sokkeswaran
On Friday, 6 June 2014, 15:29, "resiprocate-devel-request at resiprocate.org" <resiprocate-devel-request at resiprocate.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. DUM reject() should have minExpires, warning, where
appropriate (John Gregg)
2. DUM: enablePrack methods? (John Gregg)
3. Re: DUM: enablePrack methods? (Scott Godin)
4. Re: retransmit patch (Scott Godin)
We have found it useful to make the reject() method take optional
parameters for a warning header and a minExpires header where appropriate.
In an hxx file:
void reject(int statusCode, int minExpiry = -1, const WarningCategory *
warning = NULL);
Then in the cxx file:
ServerRegistration::reject(int statusCode, int minExpiry, const
WarningCategory * warning)
InfoLog( << "rejected a registration " << mAor << " with
statusCode=" << statusCode );
@@ -167,6 +167,16 @@
SharedPtr<SipMessage> failure(new SipMessage);
mDum.makeResponse(*failure, mRequest, statusCode);
+ if (minExpiry != -1)
+ {
+ failure->header(h_MinExpires).value() = minExpiry;
+ }
+ if (warning)
+ {
+ failure->header(h_Warnings).push_back(*warning);
+ }
Of course, not all reject() methods want both new arguments. Diff files
from 1.9.6 attached.
-John Gregg
I am updating some old app code that used an older resiprocate version.
It did this:
which of course hits this assert in 1.9.6:
MasterProfile::addSupportedOptionTag(const Token& tag)
if (tag == Token(Symbols::C100rel))
//use enablePrackUas and enablePrackUac
Am I correct in thinking that my app should just not do that anymore? A
quick grep reveals no such routines as enablePrackUas and
enablePrackUac, so at the very least, the comment should be changed.
-John Gregg
Hi John,
When you enable PRACK via the setUasReliableProvisionalMode and setUacReliableProvisionalMode profile API's DUM will automatically add the 100rel to the Support headers for you.
I will update the comments with the correct API names.
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:40 PM, John Gregg <jgregg at aylus.com> wrote:
>I am updating some old app code that used an older resiprocate version. It did this:
>which of course hits this assert in 1.9.6:
>MasterProfile::addSupportedOptionTag(const Token& tag)
> if (tag == Token(Symbols::C100rel))
> {
> //use enablePrackUas and enablePrackUac
> assert(0);
> }
> mSupportedOptionTags.push_back(tag);
>Am I correct in thinking that my app should just not do that anymore? A quick grep reveals no such routines as enablePrackUas and enablePrackUac, so at the very least, the comment should be changed.
>-John Gregg
>resiprocate-devel mailing list
>resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
Done - with some minor mods.
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 11:41 AM, palladin <p-aladin at yandex.ru> wrote:
On 06/05/2014 06:28 PM, Scott Godin wrote:
>Is there a typo in the diff? Didn't you mean to call handler->outboundRetransmit instead of outboundMessage?
>>On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 3:52 AM, palladin <p-aladin at yandex.ru> wrote:
>>Dear resip devels,
>>>Some time before there was a Transport Logging patch.
>>>Could you please extend it with a few lines intended to log
retransmit messages?
>>>For example:
>>>diff --git a/resip/stack/Transport.hxx
>>>index 7b530cb..3b5c548 100644
>>>--- a/resip/stack/Transport.hxx
>>>+++ b/resip/stack/Transport.hxx
>>>@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ class Transport : public FdSetIOObserver
>>> public:
>>> virtual ~SipMessageLoggingHandler(){}
>>> virtual void outboundMessage(const Tuple
&source, const Tuple &destination, const SipMessage
&msg) = 0;
>>>+ virtual void outboundRetransmit( const
SendData& data ) = 0;
>>> virtual void inboundMessage(const Tuple&
source, const Tuple& destination, const SipMessage
&msg) = 0;
>>> };
>>>diff --git a/resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx
>>>index c57394d..919bbdb 100644
>>>--- a/resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx
>>>+++ b/resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx
>>>@@ -1342,6 +1342,13 @@ TransportSelector::retransmit(const
SendData& data)
>>> if(transport)
>>> {
>>> // If this is not true, it means the transport has
been removed.
>>>+ Transport::SipMessageLoggingHandler* handler =
>>>+ if(handler)
>>>+ {
>>>+ handler->outboundMessage(data);
>>>+ }
>>> }
>>> }
>>>Appreciate in advance.
>>>resiprocate-devel mailing list
>>>resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
>you are quite right, there must be outboundRetransmit
resiprocate-devel mailing list
resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
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