[reSIProcate] DUM reject() should have minExpires, warning, where appropriate

John Gregg jgregg at aylus.com
Thu Jun 5 14:10:11 CDT 2014

We have found it useful to make the reject() method take optional 
parameters for a warning header and a minExpires header where appropriate.

In an hxx file:

void reject(int statusCode, int minExpiry = -1, const WarningCategory * 
warning = NULL);

Then in the cxx file:

ServerRegistration::reject(int statusCode, int minExpiry, const 
WarningCategory * warning)
     InfoLog( << "rejected a registration " << mAor << " with 
statusCode=" << statusCode );

@@ -167,6 +167,16 @@
     SharedPtr<SipMessage> failure(new SipMessage);
     mDum.makeResponse(*failure, mRequest, statusCode);
+   if (minExpiry != -1)
+   {
+       failure->header(h_MinExpires).value() = minExpiry;
+   }
+   if (warning)
+   {
+       failure->header(h_Warnings).push_back(*warning);
+   }

Of course, not all reject() methods want both new arguments. Diff files 
from 1.9.6 attached.


-John Gregg

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