[reSIProcate] the Git discussion (v2.0)
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.pro
Fri May 30 13:56:40 CDT 2014
I just had a brief chat with Scott and the Git subject came up again.
We are just wondering:
a) is there anybody against the idea of moving to Git?
b) how do people feel about Git hosting options?
There are two hosting options that come to mind:
1. Github
- mirror of the repository automatically synced to the existing project
server every 15 minutes for backup
- people can submit patches as pull requests
- people can fork with 1 click
2. Dedicated solution on the current server (Philip, can you let us know
what you could provide?). Some of the features that are probably needed:
- a front end like cgit or gitweb
- some access control setup for Git over ssh
- a tool like Gerrit could be used to provide a web-based collaboration
If we go with github, then we can still have a read-only cgit on the
resiprocate.org server too.
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