[reSIProcate] TlsConnection.cxx: checkState() changes

John Gregg jgregg at aylus.com
Tue May 20 14:00:09 CDT 2014

We made changes in this code, and since they are in sensitive 
security-related code, someone smart should look them over. I'm not sure 
of the circumstances that led us to make these changes, but they may 
have involved use of self-generated, self-signed certificates. Both 
changes are in resip/stack/ssl/TlsConnection.cxx, in the routine 
TlsConnection::checkState(), just below the comment that says:

//post-connection verification: check that certificate name matches 
domain name

First, a sanity check: if we don't have any peerNames, fail immediately. 
In the old code, the body of the loop would never be executed, and we 
would still fall into an error case, so the only real differences 
between this code and the old code are the log message and the 
mFailureReason being set more accurately.

Second, as the comment in the modified code says:

// If the calling app never bothered to fill out the domain, don't 
demand that it match the CM from the cert.

The attached diff file is against 1.9.6.

-John Gregg

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