[reSIProcate] Log::initialize should take log level in upper or lower case (rutil)
John Gregg
jgregg at aylus.com
Wed May 14 13:26:55 CDT 2014
My proposed fix is attached: Log.cxx and Log.hxx (including the
isEqualNoCase thing), changes based off of resiprocate 1.9.6.
-John Gregg
On 05/14/2014 01:33 PM, slgodin at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi John,
> I agree - fixing fragility is a good thing. Can you please post a
> patch file for these changes and I can investigate applying when I
> have some time? Please remember not to use strcasecmp as it is not
> portable.
> Thanks for contributing!
> Scott
> On May 14, 2014, at 1:21 PM, John Gregg <jgregg at aylus.com
> <mailto:jgregg at aylus.com>> wrote:
>> Great. Thanks.
>> While I'm at it, it seems to me that there is a not entirely obvious
>> dependency between mDescriptions[] in Log.cxx and Log::Level in
>> Log.hxx. That is, the position of the strings in mDescriptions[]
>> absolutely must correspond exactly with the values defined in the
>> Log::Level enum. Moreover, Log::Level is defined with an #ifdef in
>> the middle of it, and with various hardcoded defines in it (stuff set
>> equal to other symbols from linux header files pulled in from
>> elsewhere), and it all ends up compiling just right to match up with
>> mDescriptions[], both in linux and Windows. So it works, but it is
>> fragile in non-obvious ways.
>> The quick and dirty option would be to at least warn people with
>> comments. That is, a comment in Log.cxx saying "NOTE: This list is
>> order-dependent and MUST be kept in sync with the values defined in
>> Log::Level", and a corresponding comment in Log.hxx saying "NOTE: The
>> values defined here MUST be in sync with the order of the strings in
>> mDescriptions[]".
>> Even better would be to get rid of the dependence as outlined below.
>> In Log.hxx, within class Log:
>> struct descriptionEntry
>> {
>> Level level;
>> const char * description;
>> };
>> ...
>> static const descriptionEntry mDescriptions[];
>> Then, in Log.cxx:
>> const struct Log::descriptionEntry Log::mDescriptions[] =
>> {
>> { None, "NONE" },
>> { Crit, "CRIT" },
>> { Crit, "CRITICAL" },
>> { Err, "ERR" },
>> { Err, "ERROR" },
>> { Warning, "WARNING" },
>> { Warning, "WARN" },
>> { Info, "INFO" },
>> { Debug, "DEBUG" },
>> { Stack, "STACK" },
>> { StdErr, "CERR" },
>> { Bogus, NULL }
>> };
>> ...
>> Data
>> Log::toString(Level l)
>> {
>> int i;
>> for (i = 0; mDescriptions[i].description; i++)
>> {
>> if (mDescriptions[i].level == l)
>> {
>> return log_ + mDescriptions[i].description;
>> }
>> }
>> return log_ + "INVALID";
>> }
>> Log::Level
>> Log::toLevel(const Data& l)
>> {
>> Data pri( l.prefix("LOG_") ? l.substr(4) : l);
>> int i = 0;
>> for (i = 0; mDescriptions[i].description; i++)
>> {
>> if (strcasecmp(pri.c_str(), mDescriptions[i].description) == 0)
>> {
>> return mDescriptions[i].level;
>> }
>> }
>> cerr << "Choosing Debug level since string was not understood: "
>> << l << endl;
>> return Log::Debug;
>> }
>> Note that this includes the strcmp => strcasecmp change, and note
>> also that it maps several strings ("warn", "warning") to the same
>> error level, but while converting from a level back to a string, it
>> will grab the first one it hits, so the preferred canonical string
>> should be first in the struct (hence the "WARNING" entry appears
>> before "WARN").
>> -John Gregg
>> On 05/14/2014 11:29 AM, Scott Godin wrote:
>>> I can't see a downside as well. Feel free to post "patch" files to
>>> this list for inclusion in the project. This one is very simple
>>> though - no need for a patch file. I can apply it.
>>> Note: strcasecmp is not available on all platforms - I will use
>>> resip internal isEqualNoCase instead.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Scott
>>> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:17 AM, John Gregg <jgregg at aylus.com
>>> <mailto:jgregg at aylus.com>> wrote:
>>> In rutil/Log.cxx:
>>> When application code initializes the logging system in
>>> resiprocate, it passes the log level (sensitivity) to
>>> Log::initialize() as a string. This string is translated to an
>>> internal Log::Level enum by Log::toLevel(). Log::toLevel() is
>>> smart about stripping a preceding "LOG_" (if present), but it
>>> demands that the string be upper case (it uses a straight
>>> strcmp() to compare with hardcoded strings in mDescriptions[]).
>>> People may want, e.g., to use strings from prioritynames[] in
>>> syslog.h under linux, which are lower-case. It seems we should
>>> accept "crit" just as much as "CRIT". This would be a simple
>>> change of strcmp => strcasecmp in Log::toLevel(). I don't see a
>>> downside.
>>> I do not have permission to modify resiprocate code myself. Is
>>> this the proper way to feed suggestions into the community?
>>> -John Gregg
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