[reSIProcate] Strange dum crash
p-aladin at yandex.ru
Wed May 7 07:22:22 CDT 2014
Dear resip devels,
resiprocate 1.9.2
I have met strange dum crash,
please consider next output:
#0 resip::BaseUsage::getBaseHandle (this=0x0) at BaseUsage.cxx:38
No locals.
#1 0x00007f7f1bb85e8d in resip::ServerSubscription::getHandle
(this=0x0) at ServerSubscription.cxx:19
No locals.
#2 0x00007f7f1bb7ec81 in
(this=0x7f7ef80e4440) at ServerPublication.cxx:65
i = {first = {static Preallocate = {<No data fields>}, static
Empty = {static Preallocate = <same as static member of an already seen
type>, static Empty = <sam
e as static member of an already seen type>, static npos = 4294967295,
mBuf = "", mSize = 0, mCapacity = 16, mPreBuffer = '\000' <repeats 15
times>, mShareEnum = 0}, st
atic npos = 4294967295, mBuf = <Address 0x8 out of bounds>, mSize =
31238560, mCapacity = 0, mPreBuffer = "@\253\334\001", '\000' <repeats
11 times>, mShareEnum = 0},
second = }
key = {static Preallocate = {<No data fields>}, static Empty =
{static Preallocate = <same as static member of an already seen type>,
static Empty = <same as st
atic member of an already seen type>, static npos = 4294967295, mBuf =
0x7f7f1c057b30 "", mSize = 0, mCapacity = 16, mPreBuffer = '\000'
<repeats 15 times>, mShareEnum
= 0}, static npos = 4294967295, mBuf = 0x7f7ef8196b80
"4417437702501252 at x.x.x.x:5060", mSize = 44, mCapacity = 44, mPreBuffer
= "\360\021\304\221\377\177
\000\000\235(\031\034\177\177\000", mShareEnum = 2}
subs = {first = <error reading variable>
handler = 0x7fff91c3f850
#3 0x00007f7f1bb7ef46 in resip::ServerPublication::accept
(this=0x7f7ef80e4440, statusCode=<value optimized out>) at
Actually subs.first points to some garbage and it looks like
std::multimap::equal_range returned corrupted iterator.
Could you please advise if there is any chance of asynchronous
modification of any Dialog or asynchronous ServerSubscription
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