[reSIProcate] asio version? separate reTurn source tarball?

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Thu Feb 13 09:48:08 CST 2014

I did a quick startup test and ran the test client against it for a sanity
check.  Won't have any time to do any stress testing.


On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au>wrote:

>  On 13/02/14 16:42, Scott Godin wrote:
> Just tried 1.10.1 - it only needed a few fixes to compile.  Checked into
> SVN.   The changes are backwards compatible with 1.4.8.
> Great, Markus (who packages asio on Debian) also suggested it just
> involved changing ErrorType
> Will you have time to give it any functional testing before we take those
> fixes into the 1.9 branch?
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