[reSIProcate] some bug with static Router

Dragos Dinu ddinu at ezuce.com
Mon Jan 6 02:39:44 CST 2014

Hi Scott,

I will try to post a small test to reproduce this. Btw, I meant "strict


On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:

> Hi Dragos,
> I find it very odd that we wouldn't have seen an issue here before.  We
> have done lots of testing with multiple Route and Record-Route headers.
>  Can you post a small test program that exhibits the behaviour you are
> talking about?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Dragos Dinu <ddinu at ezuce.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm Dragos and I've recently been working with the resiprocate stack and
>> DUM code. I encountered the following problem:
>> *When sending a request to resiprocate DUM with a strict Record-Route
>> URI, the Helper::processStrictRoute is called:*
>> *      // The next hop is a strict router.  Move the next hop into the*
>> *      // Request-URI and move the ultimate destination to the end of the*
>> *      // route list.  Force the message target to be the next hop
>> router.*
>> *
>>   request.header(h_Routes).push_back(NameAddr(request.const_header(h_RequestLine).uri()));*
>> *      request.header(h_RequestLine).uri() =
>> request.const_header(h_Routes).front().uri();*
>> *      request.header(h_Routes).pop_front(); // !jf!*
>> Before running this code, we already have a Route which should be
>> replaced with the RequestLine.
>> When pushing back the RequestLine in the routes vector, it seems that the
>> associated HeaderFieldValue of the already existing Route header is
>> deleted , probably because of a reallocation of the vector.
>> This leads to the fact that when we try to set the uri of the RequestLine
>> to the one of the Route, we try to use a freed buffer.
>> So what I did was save the uri and use it afterwards:
>> *      Uri frontRouteUri = request.const_header(h_Routes).front().uri();*
>> *
>> request.header(h_Routes).push_back(NameAddr(request.const_header(h_RequestLine).uri()));*
>> *      //request.header(h_RequestLine).uri() =
>> request.const_header(h_Routes).front().uri();*
>> *      request.header(h_RequestLine).uri() = frontRouteUri;*
>> Seems to work, but I was thinking to ask you for your more experienced
>> opinion if this is the way to go. Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> Dragos
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