[reSIProcate] dumping autotools and moving to CMake?

Byron Campen docfaraday at gmail.com
Sat Jan 4 10:18:03 CST 2014

     While I do like cmake, it is not a panacea, and there are some sharp
edges. I think it might be illustrative to try writing a cmake build for
rutil/stack (plus tests), and see how much pain we run into. I can give
this a go, since I have some experience with it.

Best regards,
Byron Campen
On Jan 4, 2014 2:18 AM, "Daniel Pocock" <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:

> I understand that autotools may not have been the best choice for
> keeping the UNIX and Windows builds in sync with the least amount of
> effort.
> Despite only having introduced the autotools stuff before the 1.8
> release, I'm not going to be offended if people want to dump it in favor
> of CMake or possibly gyp or something else.
> I can't commit to work on such a migration myself but I have documented
> what would be involved:
>    https://www.resiprocate.org/CMake_Evaluation
> The evaluation steps are quite trivial and involve converting some of
> the standalone/sample projects, e.g. sipdial from the apps directory or
> reConServer, so everybody can try these and get a feel for CMake on a
> smaller scale.
> This could potentially be offered as a GSoC project this year and
> completed by a student, they would also spend some time documenting it
> as they go and maybe pushing things a little bit further for the Android
> builds and other related work.
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