[reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.

Byron Campen docfaraday at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 22:17:32 CST 2014

     I was thinking this patch stands alone. I can add the ability to 
turn on/off greylisting as well in another (in fact, I think I will make 
it also tune the greylist duration, since that has been a TODO for years).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

On 1/3/14 6:31 AM, Sergey Pavlov wrote:
> Thanks, Byron! The patches solves the issue with transport switching 
> in our particular case. Well, at least it helps in tests. Are you 
> going to introduce some additional control to the related functional 
> or the patch will be included to resipocate "as is"?
> On 31 December 2013 07:37, Byron Campen <docfaraday at gmail.com 
> <mailto:docfaraday at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     How's this look? Don't have the time to toss together a test-case
>     tonight, can look into it tomorrow.
>     Best regards,
>     Byron Campen

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