[reSIProcate] Ares crash

palladin p-aladin at yandex.ru
Thu Dec 27 10:47:19 CST 2012

Hi, developer's team,
I have met crash when resip runs dns query.
Stack of crash looks like this

#0  0x00000031e6805d81 in read_tcp_data (channel=0x128feb0, 
server_idx=0, read_fds=<value optimized out>, now=1356626029) at 
#1  0x00000031e6806147 in ares_process_poll (channel=0x128feb0, 
server_idx=0, rdFd=40, wrFd=<value optimized out>, now=1356626029) at 
#2  0x00000031e584c344 in 
resip::AresDnsPollItem::processPollEvent(unsigned short) () from 
#3  0x00000031e584252d in 
resip::FdPollGrp::processItem(resip::FdPollItemIf*, unsigned short) () 
from /usr/lib64/librutil-1.8.so
#4  0x00000031e5843159 in resip::FdPollImplEpoll::epollWait(int) () from 
#5  0x00000031e58434da in resip::FdPollImplEpoll::waitAndProcess(int) () 
from /usr/lib64/librutil-1.8.so

 From provided core dump I could understand 2 things:
1) there is no verification of fd_set on NULL, when calling FD_ISSET.
2) we get here if there is no answer from dns server in 25 ms. Am I wrong?

Please advise with this issue. It appears occasionally and I can't 
understand scenario, which causes crash.

Best regards,

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