[reSIProcate] Crash bug in the DnsSub.cxx and AresDns.cxx

Karlsson boost.regex at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 03:06:57 CST 2012

In the 1.8.5, I got the crashed often, once I debug it, I think there is a

In the DnsSub.cxx:

   for (set<Query*>::iterator it = mQueries.begin(); it != mQueries.end();
      delete *it;

   delete mDnsProvider;

The parameter of  "setPollGrp" function is 0, so in
the AresDns::setPollGrp(FdPollGrp *grp) function, if the
mPollItems is not empty, will cause AresDnsPollItem::resetPollGrp crash.
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