[reSIProcate] RPM spec file / Fedora

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Tue Dec 4 19:16:49 CST 2012

I've recently updated the spec file in trunk


It should be possible to use the revised spec file with the 1.8 branch
to build for Fedora (tested on Fedora 17):


a) put resip.spec in your current directory

b) put resiprocate-1.8.x.tar.gz in the sources directory specified by

c) run this command:

   rpmbuild -bb resip.spec

and you should end up with some RPMs

To do: they don't have proper init scripts yet, but the daemons should
install and it should be possible to run them from the command line

Feel free to test and provide feedback about how it could be improved
for Fedora or any other RPM-based platform

When the init scripts are done, I may merge this into the 1.8 branch for

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