[reSIProcate] 439 response to REGISTER in Resip 1.8.5

Mike Hubbard mike.hubbard at ivr.com
Wed Aug 22 19:31:41 CDT 2012

It appears in Resip 1.8.5 that if a UAC sends a REGISTER with a reg-id
parameter in the contact header and branched via, the stack responds with a
439, despite the REGISTER not containing a Supported header advertising
support of the "outbound" feature.  Based on my reading of the draft
<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-sip-outbound-16#section-11.6>  in
sections 6 and 11.6, it seems that this is an incorrect response.  The draft
seems to indicate that a 439 should only be sent if the REGISTER message
contains the reg-id parameter AND the outbound option tag.  


Has anyone else experienced problems with this?




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