[reSIProcate] Enum crashing repro
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.com.au
Thu Aug 2 08:22:51 CDT 2012
On 01/08/12 22:05, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> I put this in my config, it is actually wrong (should be
> e164-addr.sip5060.net):
> EnumSuffixes = e164.arpa, sip5060.net
> and when the repro receives a request such as
> sip:+123456789 at some.other.domain.com
> it appears to do two things wrong:
> a) even though it is for some.other.domain.com, it still goes into the
> ENUM logic
Looking at the full log, I dug up the sequence of events leading to an
ENUM lookup attempt (see further down)
It appears the only attempt to decide if a URI should be routed by ENUM
result is the call to uri.isEnumSearchable(). That method only checks
if the user portion of the URI begins with a `+'.
Proposed changes:
a) isEnumSearchable() needs to make sure the characters following the
`+' are digits (to be precise, up to 15 digits as per E.164)
b) somewhere we need to decide if ENUM must be applied.
- Maybe a new config param, EnumDomains, and ENUM logic is only used if
the Uri domain is in EnumDomains
- maybe a Uri parameter can also be used, e.g.
sip:+41xxx at some.domain.com?reproEnum
- which method should have this new logic? Maybe DnsResult::lookup(),
because that is where mDoingEnum is set true/false
Would these changes disturb anyone if implemented for the next 1.8.x
release? It would preferably be done without changing the method
TransportSelector.cxx:454 | Looking up dns entries for
sip:+41xxxxx at some.other.domain.com
mDns.lookup(result, msg->const_header(h_RequestLine).uri());
void DnsInterface::lookup(DnsResult* res, const Uri& uri) {
res->lookup(uri, mDnsStub.getEnumSuffixes());
DnsResult.cxx:203 | DnsResult::lookup sip:+41xxxxx at some.other.domain.com
std::vector<Data> enums = uri.getEnumLookups(enumSuffixes);
(by co-incidence, some.other.domain.com is actually one of my
EnumSuffixes, but it is irrelevant here)
> b) it crashes
> DEBUG | 20120801-234840.323 | repro | RESIP:DNS | 139927527098112 |
> DnsResult.cxx:203 | DnsResult::lookup sip:+41xxxxxxx at sip5060.net
> repro: DnsResult.cxx:210: void resip::DnsResult::lookup(const
> resip::Uri&, const std::vector<resip::Data>&): Assertion `enums.size()
> <= 1' failed.
Looking more closely in DnsResult.cxx, this function appears to return 1
entry for every suffix:
std::vector<Data> enums = uri.getEnumLookups(enumSuffixes);
so the next line:
assert(enums.size() <= 1);
is guaranteed to fail if multiple suffixes are specified.
> I corrected the EnumSuffixes config, now it is
> EnumSuffixes = e164.arpa, e164-addr.sip5060.net
> but the same assert/crash still occurs
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