[reSIProcate] b2bua tests.
Ali Işık
fenlisesi at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 18:00:06 CDT 2012
Hi there, devs -- I figured I would try to start writing some tests for the
b2bua, and then development and tests would go hand in hand.
I want to be able to write isolation tests (mock out collaborators). I took
a shot at using Google Mock. You should be able to apply the attached
patch and see whether you think this all makes sense.
The patch applies against resiprocate-1.8.4 and adds a test dir under
b2bua. The test dir includes a README file (with some shell commands
only) and a mock dir that includes one example.
There is only one sample test built on top of the example in the gmock
distribution. I added one test (that doesn't even exit in its current form
-- it just "runs") for the sole purpose of demonstrating what I have in mind.
I would like to hear some feedback on this before I proceed further.
-- Ali Isik
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Ali Işık <fenlisesi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Scott -- from this initial list, forking sounds the most
> interesting, but it may be tougher than some others. I will wait for
> Daniel to respond.
> I tried to build resiprocate (stable branch, if memory serves) from
> source on my Fedora work machine today. I got some test failures with
> testData, having to do with equality of floating point numbers. All
> other tests passed. I then had to leave work. Unfortunately, I won't
> be back in the office for another week. I will see if I can reproduce
> the errors on my Ubuntu laptop. Anyway, it would probably have been
> ok if I had followed build instructions closely. I sort of just
> configure'd and ran make and make check. I will write again after I
> give it another go on another machine.
> The tests don't make use of any unit test framework, do they? They
> seem to be standalone programs, the few that I browsed today.
> Best,
> -- Ali Isik
> On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ali,
>> Welcome to resiprocate!
>> Daniel Pocock was the original author of the B2BUA so I'm sure he'll have
>> much better detail for you. From what I can remember about this project
>> when taking a look a couple of years back there are a number of things that
>> could be added:
>> 1. Windows support (it uses rtpproxy, that is *nix specific only)
>> 2. Add handling for re-Invites and mid-dialog SDP renegotiation.
>> 2. Add handling for B2Bing middialog requests, such as MESSAGE, INFO and
>> 3. Add handling for Transfer scenarios, ie. REFER and INVITE with replaces.
>> 4. Add handling for Forking scenarios, and early media.
>> Daniel, let me know if I'm off the mark on any of these - it has been a
>> while since I've looked at the project.
>> Regards,
>> Scott Godin
>> On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Ali Işık <fenlisesi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, everybody:
>>> I am writing to introduce myself. My name is Ali. I am a developer
>>> with some C, C++, Perl, OOAD experience. I am interested in
>>> resiprocate and the B2BUA in particular.
>>> I would like to start contributing in some way. Would you guys help
>>> me decide where I should begin? Perhaps I should start by adding
>>> tests?
>>> How do you guys view the B2BUA--its maturity, maintainability etc?
>>> Cheers,
>>> -- Ali Isik
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