[reSIProcate] 1.8.4 release candidate

Scott Godin slgodin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 09:23:59 CDT 2012

I'll change that too thanks!


On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Gabriel Hege
<gabriel-mailinglists at gmx.de>wrote:

> Ok, thank you for the help. Copying the repro.config file almost worked.
> There is still a small problem with the default configuration, when
> building without SSL. The default repro.config defines a TLS-Port, which
> results in the proxy crashing with an unhandled exception, when it is built
> without SSL support.
> Am 13.07.2012 15:07, schrieb slgodin at gmail.com:
>  Ah - I bet I forgot to include the default configuration file -
>> repro.config - in the Msi.  I'll fix that.  Thanks!
>> Note:  this version of repro uses a new configuration framework - it
>> reads settings from a configuration file and the command line options
>> format has changed.  See the changelog for more details.
>> Scott
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2012-07-13, at 6:02 AM, Gabriel Hege <gabriel-mailinglists at gmx.de>
>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> I am having trouble getting the current version of repro from the
>>> 1.8-branch (rev. 9799) to work on windows.
>>> I built using the reSIProcate_9_0.sln using the Release target and then
>>> installed it using the generated setup.msi installer.
>>> Starting repro.exe from the installation-directory results in the
>>> following error:
>>> C:\Program Files (x86)\ReproSIPProxy>repro.exe --log-level=DEBUG
>>> INFO | 20120713-120054.824 |  | RESIP:DNS | 6488 | DnsUtil.cxx:156 |
>>> local hostname does not contain a domain part gabriel-laptop
>>> Error parsing configuration: ConfigParse::Exception Error
>>> opening/reading configuration file @ .\ConfigParse.cxx:292
>>> Failed to start repro, exiting...
>>> Am I doing anything wrong?
>>> best regards
>>> gabriel
>>> Am 05.07.2012 17:45, schrieb Daniel Pocock:
>>>> Hash: SHA256
>>>> 1.8.4 release candidate has been tagged and built.
>>>> This is not for general distribution just yet - it is just for people
>>>> to evaluate
>>>> If the release candidate is good, it can be promoted as such after a
>>>> cooling off period, maybe 1 week from now
>>>> If it is no good, a 1.8.5 release candidate can be made up for another
>>>> round of evaluation
>>>> Releases are at
>>>>    https://www.resiprocate.org/**files/pub/reSIProcate/releases<https://www.resiprocate.org/files/pub/reSIProcate/releases>
>>>> These are the SHA224 checksums for the distribution:
>>>>   f46361cb01a73cb3e3e88e6452483e**598c4be57d2236e2cfa6ae3717
>>>> resiprocate-1.8.4.tar.gz
>>>> Note that the contrib/ folder is distributed in a separate tarball now:
>>>>   494b5bb0a126dc46447f5418a8eaf5**6053058993278268742eaf6ffa
>>>> resiprocate-contrib-1.8.4.tar.**gz
>>>> Scott has done the enormous task of preparing 1.8 release notes:
>>>> https://svn.resiprocate.org/**rep/resiprocate/branches/**
>>>> resiprocate-1.8/ChangeLog<https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/branches/resiprocate-1.8/ChangeLog>
>>>> Build instructions in the file:
>>>> https://svn.resiprocate.org/**rep/resiprocate/branches/**
>>>> resiprocate-1.8/INSTALL<https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/branches/resiprocate-1.8/INSTALL>
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