[reSIProcate] Solaris status (libCstd or stlport?)

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Wed Apr 25 16:15:06 CDT 2012

On 25/04/12 04:50, Adam Roach wrote:
>  I'm downloading a Virtualbox VM of Solaris 10 to see if I can fix some
> of these things myself, but it's going to take a couple of hours (!) to
> download, and I'm still pretty strapped for time.
> In any case, there appear to be two classes of problem here, and I think
> you've already figured out the solution to one of them. Comments inline.
> On 4/23/12 16:49, Apr 23, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> I've done two runs of `make -i', once to build everything that does
>> build, and a second time just to get the error output as it tries to
>> build everything that failed.  Here is a summary:
>> SipMessage.cxx (errors from above):
>> "/opt/studio/sunstudio12.1/prod/include/CC/Cstd/./memory", line 483:
>> Error: Using static_cast to convert from std::pair<resip::Data,
>> resip::HeaderFieldValueList*>* to std::list<std::pair<resip::Data,
>> resip::HeaderFieldValueList*>,
>> resip::StlPoolAllocator<std::pair<resip::Data,
>> resip::HeaderFieldValueList*>, resip::PoolBase>>::__list_node_buffer*
>> not allowed.
> This doesn't point to a specific line in SipMessage.cxx, but the
> signature does match the one instance of make_pair() in the file, on
> line 1139:
>    mUnknownHeaders.push_back(make_pair(headerName.getName(), hfvs));
> This is exactly the same pattern as what was holding up DnsUtil.cxx.
> Perhaps the same fix as you implemented for that problem can be applied?
> http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/main/rutil/DnsUtil.cxx?r1=9584&r2=9585&diff_format=l

I tried commenting out line 1139, it doesn't make the error go away

In the header file (memory:483), the static_cast is within the
definition of the allocator_interface template:

  template <class _Allocator,class _Tt>
  class allocator_interface
    pointer allocate(size_type n, pointer p  = 0)
      return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(pointer,alloc_.allocate(n*sizeof(_Tt),p));

I haven't looked any more closely at this, I will have another look
tomorrow if you can't see any quick solution

>> "TransportSelector.cxx", line 215: Error: Could not find a match for
>> std::multimap<resip::Tuple, resip::Transport*,
>> resip::Tuple::AnyPortAnyInterfaceCompare, std::allocator<std::pair<const
>> resip::Tuple, resip::Transport*>>>::insert(std::pair<resip::Tuple,
>> resip::Transport*>) needed in
>> resip::TransportSelector::addTransportInternal(std::auto_ptr<resip::Transport>).
>> 1 Error(s) detected.
> The line in question is:
>    mTypeToTransportMap.insert(std::make_pair(tuple,transport));
> Which is the same pattern again: inserting a pair created with
> std::make_pair into an STL collection. I suspect the same fix should work?

Not quite... but I found this variation works for libCstd:

-   mTypeToTransportMap.insert(std::make_pair(tuple,transport));

so that is committed

>> "InMemoryRegistrationDatabase.cxx", line 243: Error: Cannot cast from
>> RemoveIfExpired to bool(*)(const resip::ContactInstanceRecord&).
> This is a different beast.
> The offending line is:
>   contacts->remove_if(RemoveIfExpired());
> ...where "contacts" is of type "ContactList".
> For clarity, ContactList is defined thus:
>   typedef std::list<ContactInstanceRecord> ContactList;
> And the contract on std::list for "remove_if" is described like this:
> template <class Predicate>
>   void remove_if ( Predicate pred );
> Predicate /pred/ can be implemented as any typed expression taking one
> argument of the same type as the list and returning a bool (this may
> either be a function pointer or an object whose class implements
> operator()).
> It's possible that the compiler would be happier if we were explicitly
> creating an instance of the class on the stack rather than just creating
> it as part of the "remove_if" statement. See if this works better:
>    if(mCheckExpiry)
>    {
>       RemoveIfExpired rei;
>       ContactList *contacts = i->second;
>       contacts->remove_if(rei);
>    }

Tried this, it still isn't happy

> If that doesn't work, it's possible that the Solaris implementation just
> doesn't get the predicate contract right, and we may need to wrap the
> class up in a function pointer (as I'd like to believe the
> implementation isn't /completely/ broken).

Just doesn't work with libCstd unless I use a normal function pointer
(not a class) - so that committed now, for SunPro only

>> "InMemorySyncRegDb.cxx", line 58: Error: Cannot cast from
>> RemoveIfRequired to bool(*)(const resip::ContactInstanceRecord&).
>> "InMemorySyncRegDb.cxx", line 311: Error: Cannot cast from
>> RemoveIfRequired to bool(*)(const resip::ContactInstanceRecord&).
>> "InMemorySyncRegDb.cxx", line 341: Error: Cannot cast from
>> RemoveIfRequired to bool(*)(const resip::ContactInstanceRecord&).
> This is the same problem as above. If the above solution works, it
> should apply here as well.
>             RemoveIfRequired rir(now, mRemoveLingerSecs);
>             contacts.remove_if(rir);
> (In all three places)

Not quite... the function pointer solution can't be used with the
argument mRemoveLingerSecs

The only quick solution I can see here is to iterate explicitly, so I've
implemented that (using #ifdef for SunPro only)

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