[reSIProcate] Solaris status (libCstd or stlport?)

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Mon Apr 23 14:38:14 CDT 2012

On 23/04/12 21:26, Adam Roach wrote:
> I would recommend checking out a branch from a revision prior to the
> build system change-over, and observing what flags the build system uses
> for Solaris (assuming it works with the release you're using).
> /a

I've already checked that: it used -library=stlport (rather than the
Solaris default, libCstd)

The problem with that is that OpenCSW uses libCstd for all their
packaged C++ libraries (e.g. they provide libdb++ and boost).  I've
already raised it on their mailing list, there is no quick and easy
solution.  Furthermore, if some other developer wants to mix and match
resiprocate with other stuff from OpenCSW, they'll be stuck.

So we can still potentially build all the dependencies ourselves on
Solaris, but then we actually miss out on the benefit of involvement in
the OpenCSW community.  Also, they have very well maintained build
servers that I can use to test resip on all Sparc and x86 versions of

I don't know the history of all the templates in SipMessage and the
Header* classes - would you or anyone else possibly know the solution to
the static_cast issue off the top of your head?  I notice the comments
in SipMessage.hxx even anticipate there could be issues in this area,
"The way the underlying code works is very complicated, but fortunately
relatively painless to use.", so I'm guessing there is something going
on under the hood that pushes the limits of libCstd

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