[reSIProcate] trunk migrated to autotools build system (r9487)

Byron Campen docfaraday at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 22:00:04 CDT 2012

	We probably need an autotools bootstrapping script that handles the usual aclocal/autoheader/automake/libtoolize/autoconf progression. Probably in addition keep a configure script in svn, and make updating it a task to be accomplished with said bootstrapping script (I don't _think_ anyone will try to hand-edit and check-in an autotools-generated configure).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I think I sent my earlier message too quickly. The information at the end of INSTALL doesn't seem quite correct either, as it continues to refer to the old build system as well.
> I'm also, as an autotools non-expert, quite confused about what I need to do to go from a virgin checkout to a working binary. The README file needs to be updated to reflect this process.
> /a
> On 4/6/12 7:54 PM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> My autotools branch has just been merged into trunk with r9485 and r9487
>> Documentation:
>> Compiling from SVN (or an autotools generated tarball):
>>   https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/main/INSTALL
>> Building a tarball for release:
>>   https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/main/RELEASE-PROCESS.txt
>> Some more notes:
>> - config.h is now in the top level directory.  All files that look for
>> it have been changed.  Windows builds don't depend on it, so they
>> shouldn't be impacted.
>> - both source (.cxx) and headers (.hxx) have to be specified in the
>> appropriate Makefile.am.  If the headers are missed, the package will
>> still compile, but the header will not get bundled into a tarball when
>> we run `make dist' to build a release
>> - other things (e.g. txt files) have to be listed in Makefile.am
>> EXTRA_DIST variables or they don't get added to the release tarball
>> - configure doesn't check for the presence of dependencies (e.g. test
>> for libssl), it would be nice if it did, and maybe I will add those
>> tests later, but it is not mandatory for autotools
>> - I anticipate that a 1.8 release and subsequent releases should be
>> split into two tarballs:
>>   resiprocate-1.X.Y.tar.gz   (core stuff)
>>   resiprocate-contrib-1.X.Y.tar.gz   (contrib stuff)
>>   basically, most Linux users don't need the contrib stuff and archives
>> like Debian don't really like to carry it all.
>> - I am unfamiliar with some of the stuff in the repo so the new build
>> system doesn't attempt to build it at all (e.g. nICEr is omitted) - I'm
>> happy to have a closer look at particular things like that if people
>> raise queries about them
>> - on my own system, running Debian 6, I am able to run the following
>> successfully:
>> autoreconf --install
>> ./configure --with-ssl CXXFLAGS="-DUSE_CARES" LDFLAGS="-lcares"
>> make dist
>> make -j 12
>> make check
>>  mkdir /tmp/my-resip&&  make DESTDIR=/tmp/my-resip install
>> and I can also extract the tarball from `make dist', and `make check' or
>> `make install' from within there.
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