[reSIProcate] Fwd: [reSIProcate-commit] resiprocate 9537 dpocock: repro: DigestAuth support for UAs who set auth username="user at domain" rather than username="user" (also requires DB fixes)

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Mon Apr 16 03:28:59 CDT 2012

On 16/04/12 04:06, Adam Roach wrote:
> I think we have a typo in this commit. The semicolon at the end of the
> if statement here will ensure that all authentication attempts always
> succeed:
> if ((fromUri.user() == user) || (fromUri.user() == "anonymous"));
>     return true;
> I'd fix it myself, but I'm not near a computer at the moment.

Fixed r9538 - thanks for spotting that

What do you think about the embedded support for "anonymous"?  I notice
it exists in repro/monkeys/DigestAuthenticator, but there is a similar
authorizedForThisIdentity routine in resip/dum/ServerAuthManager that
does not support it.

I was also thinking that maybe this is another opportunity for a
dedicated class, ServerAuthorizationManager or PeerAuthorizationManager

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