[reSIProcate] regression: repro working on x86_64, not i686 though?

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Thu Apr 12 06:11:25 CDT 2012

I found my problem with repro does not occur on a 64 bit machine (both
machines are Debian squeeze, same libs, etc)

I've then tried the following:

- r9447 from SVN (pre-autotools) - same problem
- r9447 from SVN, using resip-ares - same problem
- resip 1.7 release tarball, using resip-ares - working fine on i386

Therefore, I believe there is a regression between 1.7 and r9447, and it
is not autotools related.

The phones are configured identically: I use a TCP port redirection from
the 32 bit machine when I want to test on the 64 bit machine.

On 64 bit, the 407 response is sent back successfully over the TLS

DEBUG | 20120412-032858.427 | repro | RESIP | 140333551826688 |
SipStack.cxx:550 | SEND: SipResp: 407 tid=e7b71622E71A9A47 cseq=1
REGISTER / 1 from(tu)
INFO | 20120412-032858.427 | repro | RESIP:DUM | 140333551826688 |
ServerAuthManager.cxx:45 | ServerAuth challenged request SipReq:
REGISTER pbx.example.org tid=e7b71622E71A9A47 cseq=1 REGISTER
contact=7001 at / 1 from(wire) tlsd=pbx.example.org
STACK | 20120412-032858.427 | repro | RESIP:TRANSACTION |
140333593790208 | TransactionState.cxx:706 | Found matching transaction
for SipResp: 407 tid=e7b71622E71A9A47 cseq=1 REGISTER / 1 from(tu) ->
tid=e7b71622E71A9A47 [ ServerNonInvite/Trying reliable target=[ V4 TLS target domain=unspecified mFlowKey=23 ]]

On the 32 bit system, the 407 response is never sent:

DEBUG | 20120412-023212.223 | repro | RESIP | 2997517168 |
SipStack.cxx:550 | SEND: SipResp: 407 tid=8170d69d528F4676 cseq=1
REGISTER / 1 from(tu)
INFO | 20120412-023212.223 | repro | RESIP:DUM | 2997517168 |
ServerAuthManager.cxx:45 | ServerAuth challenged request SipReq:
REGISTER pbx.example.org tid=8170d69d528F4676 cseq=1 REGISTER
contact=test2 at / 1 from(wire) tlsd=pbx.example.org
STACK | 20120412-023212.223 | repro | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 3039480688 |
TransactionState.cxx:168 | No matching transaction for SipResp: 407
tid=8170d69d528F4676 cseq=1 REGISTER / 1 from(tu)
INFO | 20120412-023212.223 | repro | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 3039480688 |
TransactionState.cxx:364 | discarding stray response: SipResp: 407
tid=8170d69d528F4676 cseq=1 REGISTER / 1 from(tu)

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