[reSIProcate] trunk migrated to autotools build system (r9487)

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Wed Apr 11 09:24:38 CDT 2012

Great stuff - thanks Daniel!

It should be noted that the following projects have not yet been converted:

Here is my take on their status and the ordering I think we should use to
migrate them to autotools:
tfm - top priority to migrate over - used to test repro and dum
reflow - required for recon - which is next highest priority
p2p - this is an incomplete project, but it uses rutil, so it would be nice
to have autotools file to build it, but it doesn't need to part of any
tarball at this point
nICEr - completely standalone project - no need to migrate this project at
this time
presSvr - I'm not really sure what the state of the project is, or if
anyone uses it.  This is a candidate to be moved under the apps subfolder.

Please chime in if you feel differently.

Also - the more people trying out this new build system the better.  Please
provide feedback (good or bad) to this list.


On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:

> My autotools branch has just been merged into trunk with r9485 and r9487
> Documentation:
> Compiling from SVN (or an autotools generated tarball):
>  https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/main/INSTALL
> Building a tarball for release:
>  https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/main/RELEASE-PROCESS.txt
> Some more notes:
> - config.h is now in the top level directory.  All files that look for
> it have been changed.  Windows builds don't depend on it, so they
> shouldn't be impacted.
> - both source (.cxx) and headers (.hxx) have to be specified in the
> appropriate Makefile.am.  If the headers are missed, the package will
> still compile, but the header will not get bundled into a tarball when
> we run `make dist' to build a release
> - other things (e.g. txt files) have to be listed in Makefile.am
> EXTRA_DIST variables or they don't get added to the release tarball
> - configure doesn't check for the presence of dependencies (e.g. test
> for libssl), it would be nice if it did, and maybe I will add those
> tests later, but it is not mandatory for autotools
> - I anticipate that a 1.8 release and subsequent releases should be
> split into two tarballs:
>  resiprocate-1.X.Y.tar.gz   (core stuff)
>  resiprocate-contrib-1.X.Y.tar.gz   (contrib stuff)
>  basically, most Linux users don't need the contrib stuff and archives
> like Debian don't really like to carry it all.
> - I am unfamiliar with some of the stuff in the repo so the new build
> system doesn't attempt to build it at all (e.g. nICEr is omitted) - I'm
> happy to have a closer look at particular things like that if people
> raise queries about them
> - on my own system, running Debian 6, I am able to run the following
> successfully:
> autoreconf --install
> ./configure --with-ssl CXXFLAGS="-DUSE_CARES" LDFLAGS="-lcares"
> make dist
> make -j 12
> make check
>  mkdir /tmp/my-resip && make DESTDIR=/tmp/my-resip install
> and I can also extract the tarball from `make dist', and `make check' or
> `make install' from within there.
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