[reSIProcate] rejecting offer received to an SDP-less (re)INVITE
Scott Godin
sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Wed Mar 14 08:58:47 CDT 2012
Currently DUM does not have any special logic in it to do any SDP
offer/answer negotiation, besides notifying the application. In fact it
just treats SDP bodies entirely transparent, and leaves all handling of
media lines, etc. to the application. If you want an answer to be sent
with media line ports set to zero (to be compliant to 6337), you can't use
the reject API - you would need to build your own rejection SDP and then
use provideAnswer to have it sent with the ACK - then later BYE/end the
session. I can see you will likely run into issues trying to know when to
call reject vs provideAnswer for re-invite scenarios.
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 8:03 AM, Robert Szokovacs <
robert.szokovacs at gamma.co.uk> wrote:
> On 2012 Mar 14, Wed 11:40:39 Robert Szokovacs wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > According to RFC 6337 section 5.2.4:
> >
> > Because the offer arrives in a response to the INVITE, the UAC cannot
> > reject the message containing the offer. If the UAC wishes to reject
> > the entire offer, it must send a PRACK or ACK request including all
> > the media lines with ports set to zero. Then, if it does not wish to
> > continue the session, it may send a CANCEL or BYE request to
> > terminate the dialog.
> >
> > But if I understand the code correctly, reSiprocate sends the ACK without
> > sdp: resip/dum/InviteSession.cxx:760 in InviteSession::reject
> >
> > // Sent a reINVITE no offer and received a 200-offer.
> > // Simply send an ACK without an answer and stay in Connected.
> > case SentReinviteAnswered:
> > {
> > InfoLog (<< "Not sending " << statusCode << " error since
> > transaction"
> > "already completed, sending answer-less ACK");
> > transition(Connected);
> > sendAck();
> > break;
> > }
> >
> > Also, upon receiving the ACK, in
> > InviteSession::dispatchReceivedReinviteSentOffer, the cases OnAckAnswer
> and
> > OnAck are distinguised, only by the existence of the SDP, not by its
> > contents.
> >
> > Is this a known bug? I could not find the relevant information in earlier
> > RFCs so maybe the code follows an older (or newer?) standard :)
> I found it in RFC 3261:
> If the initial offer is in the first reliable non-failure
> message from the UAS back to UAC, the answer MUST be in the
> acknowledgement for that message (in this specification, ACK
> for a 2xx response).
> br
> Szo
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