[reSIProcate] future of resip, autotools/git/packaging proposal

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Thu Jan 19 12:17:00 CST 2012

Thanks Scott, Aron

To summarise the feedback I have so far:

- two votes in favor of autotools (no votes against it)

- git: I'm not sure if those are votes against, or just abstentions/more
detail required?

For XCode: I don't have that on hand: would anyone volunteer to test my
branch with it?

Alternatively, can someone suggest a strategy to get XCode running
quickly in a VM?  I've heard rumours that it will only install on Apple
hardware?  I currently run a Linux desktop with 12GB and I test Windows
stuff in Vmware Player, I would want to try and run the Apple stuff the
same way.

On 18/01/12 19:00, Aron Rosenberg wrote:
> I second Scott's view that Git would be overkill here for the project. I
> am all for the autotools integration. Keep in mind that Apple Mac and
> Apple iOS builds use XCode projects so those will need to be tested to
> make sure they don't break as well with the autotools changes.
> -Aron
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 5:55 AM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com
> <mailto:sgodin at sipspectrum.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Daniel,
>     First off, thanks for taking such a keen interest in improving
>     resiprocate. 
>     I don't have a strong opinion on the build tools stuff, as I've
>     mainly been building in Windows over the years.  However I have seen
>     in some previous projects a need to implement autotools builds for
>     resip - so it sounds like it could be a good thing to me.
>     On the GIT vs SVN topic, I would have to agree with Adam Roach's
>     post from a few weeks back.  I think git may end up being a barrier
>     to use, especially within the Windows community, due to it's
>     increased complexity.  Also I'm not really seeing the advantages of
>     moving to GIT.
>     I hope others will respond with their opinions as well.  : )
>     Scott Godin
>     On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 7:50 AM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au
>     <mailto:daniel at pocock.com.au>> wrote:
>         I'm keen to see some packages happen within the next 6 months so
>         that
>         they will appear in the next releases of the major Linux
>         distributions
>         (e.g. the next Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu)
>         I think this is actually critical for the future of the project,
>         because
>         it means more people will link their apps to resiprocate, then
>         they will
>         feed stuff back into the project, and things will snowball from
>         there
>         It is a chicken-and-egg problem: which came first?  I understand
>         there
>         was previous concern about using autotools because no one is an
>         expert
>         on the subject.  If we had autotools, however, then we will get more
>         help from packaging experts familiar with autotools, because
>         everything
>         will be familiar to them.  I'm willing to make the effort to get the
>         project into that position.
>         What I propose is that we take my autotools branch and proceed
>         like so:
>         a) prove that it builds with autotools on UNIX and that the Visual
>         Studio on Windows build is not negatively impacted in any way (done,
>         although a couple of the configure options are not implemented yet)
>         b) prove that it runs all test cases (currently only one of them is
>         built and executed, not hard to copy and paste for the others)
>         c) prove that it meets the requirements for Debian, Fedora and
>         OpenCSW -
>         e.g. Debian raised questions about SONAME and ABI, this is
>         documented in
>         some old threads
>         http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2009/07/msg00130.html
>         d) prepare documentation showing
>          - old build commands and their equivalent with the new system
>          - steps to make release and build packages
>          - other useful autotools features that relate to this project
>         e) merge all recent work from trunk into my autotools branch
>         f) repeat tests (a), (b) and (c)
>         g) merge the branch into trunk - completely replace the old
>         configure
>         script and Makefile system for UNIX
>         h) make a reSIProcate 2.0 release candidate (I think it is good
>         to jump
>         to a new version number because of the SONAME and ABI stuff, it
>         makes it
>         more obvious that there is a new approach)
>         i) packages go into Debian unstable and OpenCSW catalog
>         In parallel, we could potentially be doing all this with git,
>         running a
>         parallel repository (for testing git) up to step (g), and then
>         replacing
>         SVN.  I've already been using git-svn as my local workspace, so I'm
>         confident that we can introduce git in such a way.
>         I'm happy to push ahead with these things but I really need to
>         know that
>         nobody has major objections or alternative proposals
>         To see it all on a smaller scale, I would be using almost the same
>         approach that I've used with other software:
>         https://sourceforge.net/projects/gmod-linux/
>         https://sourceforge.net/projects/gmod-solaris/
>         The timescale for this would be about 2-3 months, to ensure
>         people have
>         time to check things at each stage and object at any step if
>         something
>         surprises them
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