[reSIProcate] testing ice4j against reTurn

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Sun Jan 8 13:07:31 CST 2012

I've just run the ice4j samples:

   ant run-sample

against reTurn from resiprocate

It appears to run fine, except when I initially started up reTurn with
no command line arguments

- It bound on
- The host is multi-homed, (multiple public IPs)
- it would receive on one IP and the source address of every response
packet was the other IP
- consequently, none of the response packets went through the NAT to the UA
- there is no clue what is going wrong until you look at it with a
packet sniffer

When I bind explicitly to one of the addresses, it works fine

Should it detect when it is running on a multi-homed host and exercise
some control over the source IP of response packets?

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