[reSIProcate] Exception can not be catched by a try/catch block

Murat BAYKIZ murat.baykiz at argela.com.tr
Mon Jan 2 13:55:49 CST 2012

I tried several things... Exception, BaseException, std::exception. I also tried to throw different kinds of exceptions but nothing changes. I also think it is a compiler issue since my simple try/throw/catch test code works successfully. 


On 2 Oca 2012, at 21:30, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:

> Wow - that's strange.  Not sure why offhand the try/catch you inserted would not catch that exception.  My guess is some kind of compiler issue/option.  Does it matter if you try to catch Exception or BaseException explicitly instead of the catch all "..."?
> Scott
> On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Murat BAYKIZ <murat.baykiz at argela.com.tr> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Thanks for fast response. 
> Exception is thrown at line 435 in SipMessage.cxx 
> The problem occurs while processing a sip message which has a "branch=0" value.
> > 433      InfoLog (<< "Trying to compute a transaction id on a 2543 response. Drop the response");
> > 434      DebugLog (<< *this);
> > 435      throw Exception("Drop invalid 2543 response", __FILE__, __LINE__);
> Thanks for your note.
> Murat
> On 2 Oca 2012, at 20:58, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:
>> Do you know what exception is being thrown?  Could it be the assert in compute2543TransactionHash that is triggering the core dump, and not an exception?  Can you post the SIP message or Via header that is causing the problem for you, or a short test program that demonstrates the issue?  Note:  take a look at resip/stack/test/testSipMessage.cxx for a sample of how to create a quick SipMessage test program.
>> Regards,
>> Scott
>> On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Murat BAYKIZ <murat.baykiz at argela.com.tr> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Resiprocate sip stack terminates(core dump occurs) while processing a sip message. When I analyzed the core, I see there is something wrong with the transaction-id.  At SipMessage.cxx line 334 - An exception is thrown and although main has a try/catch block the exception is not catched.
>> const Data&
>> 314     SipMessage::getTransactionId() const
>> 315     {
>> 316        if (empty(h_Vias))
>> 317        {
>> 318           InfoLog (<< "Bad message with no Vias: " << *this);
>> 319           throw Exception("No Via in message", __FILE__,__LINE__);
>> 320        }
>> 321
>> 322        assert(exists(h_Vias) && !header(h_Vias).empty());
>> 323        if( exists(h_Vias) && header(h_Vias).front().exists(p_branch)
>> 324            && header(h_Vias).front().param(p_branch).hasMagicCookie()
>> 325            && (!header(h_Vias).front().param(p_branch).getTransactionId().empty())
>> 326          )
>> 327        {
>> 328           return header(h_Vias).front().param(p_branch).getTransactionId();
>> 329        }
>> 330        else
>> 331        {
>> 332           if (mRFC2543TransactionId.empty())
>> 333           {
>> 334              compute2543TransactionHash();
>> 335           }
>> 336           return mRFC2543TransactionId;
>> 337        }
>> 338     }
>> I also add a try/catch around the line 334, but the exception still was not catched and the program terminated.
>> 332           if (mRFC2543TransactionId.empty())
>> 333           {
>>              try{
>> 334              compute2543TransactionHash();
>>              }catch(...){
>>                 // can not catch the exception
>>              }
>> 335           }
>> We are working on Solaris 10 with gcc 4.3.3.
>> Any idea about the problem?
>> Thanks,
>> Murat
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