[reSIProcate] REPRO doesn't relay ACK, how do I tell the origination service send ACK directly to the sip server?

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Fri Nov 18 08:32:52 CST 2011

Hi Allen,

I suspect Repro is record routing - that would request that the endpoint
send all mid-dialog traffic (ie. ACK's) back through repro.  If you provide
a wireshark trace that can be confirmed.  Also it would be useful to see a
DEBUG or STACK level trace of repro when it is failing to relay the ACK to
understand what is happening there.


On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Allen Guan <allenguan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I am trying to set up a repro server as the proxy server of a sip
> server which is also written by RESIP. Now I can set up the sip server
> to do REGISTER to net2phone's origination service through the REPRO
> server. But when the origination service initializes an INVITE, and
> get a 200 OK, it sends the ACK to the REPRO instead of the sip server
> directly. And looks like REPRO doesn't relay ACK and just drop it. Is
> there a way to let the origination service to send ACK directly to the
> sip server or REPRO can be configured to be able to relay ACK to the
> sip server?
> Looking forward to your suggestions.
> Thanks!
> -Allen
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