[reSIProcate] Does reSiprocate support IPSec security capability

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Wed Nov 9 21:23:57 CST 2011

On 11/9/11 20:00, Nov 9, sunil kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> I have started investigation of resiprocate SIP stack and Dialog 
> manager and I would like to know if resipProcate support IPSec 
> Security capablities feature.
> If so, can you  please point me to the source code and an example.
> If not, is there any plan on your roadmap to add this feature.

IPSec is generally supported by the underlying platform (e.g., Linux, 
Windows, OS X, etc), and is invisible to applications. Your question is 
equivalent to asking whether resip supports VPNs.  There is nothing in 
the stack or any of its applications that would care or even know about 
whether traffic goes over an IPSec link.

If you're talking about using SIP-level knowledge to aid the platform in 
establishing an IPSec context, like is specified for 3GPP IMS 
communications to UEs: there is not currently code in the repository 
that does this task, but neither does resip get in the way of 
applications dealing with custom headers and working with the operating 
system to set up new IPSec contexts. Your application would be 
responsible for implementing this behavior, though.

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