[reSIProcate] question about sipstack not running on default 5060

Allen Guan allenguan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 14:49:12 CST 2011

Hi, all,

I used resip to write a sip server NOT running at the default 5060
port, for example port 8000. in the serverinvitehandler with DUM:

oServerInviteSessionHandle, ...)

I can see the generated ring 180 sip message's Contact field doesn't
contain the port 8000 I specified. this causes the failure of sip

I specified the port as this:

       oSipStack.addTransport(UDP, 8000, V4, StunEnabled);
       oSipStack.addTransport(TCP, 8000, V4, StunEnabled);

I wonder if I missed some part of configuration. Would you please give
me some suggestions on this?

thanks a lot!


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