[reSIProcate] Rejecting media negotiation in case of SDP-less reInvite

Robert Szokovacs rszokovacs at gammatelecom.hu
Fri Sep 16 04:56:59 CDT 2011

On 2011 September 15, Thursday 19:50:53 you wrote:


Thanks for the answer.

> I just tested what I think should produce the sequence you mention
> (albeit I had reSIProcate on both sides) with the current mainline of
> the code.
> When I call reject(code), the INVITE transaction is completed (an ACK
> with no SDP is sent) then a BYE with the reason "Illegal Sdp
> Negotiation" gets sent to B.
> This behavior is found in ClientInviteSession:reject(...):
> case UAC_Answered:{
>          // We received an offer in a 2xx response, and we want to reject
> it // ACK with no body, then send bye
>          sendAck();
>          SharedPtr<SipMessage> msg = sendBye();
>          transition(Terminated);
>          mDum.mInviteSessionHandler->onTerminated(getSessionHandle(),
> InviteSessionHandler::LocalBye, msg.get());
>          break;
>       }
> Could you retest with the latest release (1.7) and/or the mainline? It
> should be working.

It will take some time unfortunately, but yes, I will check it.

However, as I look at the code in 1.7, I can't find similar mechanism in 
ServerInviteSession::reject and if you reverse the roles (as in my case it 
was), I expect you will see similar assert too.



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