[reSIProcate] How registration is refreshed?

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Mon Sep 5 09:14:23 CDT 2011

Hi Dmytro,


On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Dmytro Bogovych
<dmytro.bogovych at gmail.com>wrote:

> Greetings.
> I work on iOS VoIP resiprocate based application.
> In order to support background mode let me ask a few question.
> The first one is
> - what is the interval for registration refreshing? Half of registration
> time? Quarter of registration time? Can I change it?

[Scott]  Resip uses the minimum of the Expiration interval less 5 seconds,
and nine tenths of the expiration internal for automatic registration
refreshes (see:  Helper.hxx:aBitSmallerThan).  You can manually invoke a
refresh before this time by calling ClientRegistration::requestRefresh.

> iOS provides quants of time to refresh application state each 600 seconds -
> so I use TCP transport to avoid UDP/NAT/lifetime issues.
> But would be great if application refresh its registration in these quants.
> It is a reason for my first question.
> The second question - what is the lifetime for TCP connection used for
> registration?
> I saw GC capability in source code but it is disabled by default (this is
> good for me).
> I pass the connection's socket to iOS to track the data on it and bring the
> application if new data (incoming call/message) are available.

[Scott]  By default resiprocate will not close any TCP connections, until it
runs of socket FD's.  When it runs out of socket FD's, it will close the
oldest/least used connection.

> Thank you!
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