[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-commit] resiprocate 9206 bcampen: Two changes that were somewhat tangled together, since they both used the same

Aron Rosenberg arosenberg at logitech.com
Tue Jun 28 13:50:05 CDT 2011

That function works great, was exactly what I was looking - Should we add
an equivalent getRequest() to ClientOutOfDialogReq? Here is a proposed patch
for that

Index: resip/dum/ClientOutOfDialogReq.cxx
--- resip/dum/ClientOutOfDialogReq.cxx (revision 9087)
+++ resip/dum/ClientOutOfDialogReq.cxx (working copy)
@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@

+const SipMessage&
+ClientOutOfDialogReq::getRequest() const
+   return mRequest;
 ClientOutOfDialogReq::dispatch(const DumTimeout& timer)
Index: resip/dum/ClientOutOfDialogReq.hxx
--- resip/dum/ClientOutOfDialogReq.hxx (revision 9087)
+++ resip/dum/ClientOutOfDialogReq.hxx (working copy)
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
       ClientOutOfDialogReqHandle getHandle();

       bool matches(const SipMessage& msg) const;
+      const SipMessage& getRequest() const;

       virtual void end();
       virtual void dispatch(const SipMessage& msg);
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@
       friend class DialogSet;
       CSeqCategory mCSeq;
-  SipMessage mRequest;
+      SipMessage mRequest;

       // disabled
       ClientOutOfDialogReq(const ClientOutOfDialogReq&);

Aron Rosenberg
Sr. Director, Engineering,
LifeSize, a division of Logitech

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:25 AM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:

> For InviteSession there is a relatively new API,
> InviteSession::getLastSentNITRequest - it is able to return the last refer,
> info, or message sent.
> Scott
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Aron Rosenberg <arosenberg at logitech.com>wrote:
>> I mean an in-dialog REFER sent as part of an InviteSession (NITqueue
>> related). If the upstream proxy rejects it with a 4xx, I am trying to access
>> the original ReferTo header (not included in the 4xx reply's) to see which
>> Refer Resource got rejected.
>> InviteSession related refer failures show up either in
>> void onReferRejected(InviteSessionHandle, const SipMessage& msg)
>> or
>> void onTerminated(ClientSubscriptionHandle csh, const SipMessage* msg)
>> For ClientOutOfDialogReq, that class stores mRequest (which I did a header
>> hack to access), would be nice to make a clean auto_ptr accessor for it
>> though and I will eventually submit a patch for this....
>> I was hoping that there was something like auto_ptr<SipMessage>
>> DialogUsageManager::findMatchingRequest(const SipMessage* response)
>> Aron Rosenberg
>> Sr. Director, Engineering,
>> LifeSize, a division of Logitech
>> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Aron,
>>> I suspect you are referring to DUM's behaviour.  The changes Byron
>>> committed below are all to the core stack only.  When you say NIT REFER's -
>>> do you mean REFER's that are outside of an INVITE dialog (ie. Out-of-Dialog
>>> REFERs)?
>>> Scott
>>> On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 11:27 PM, Aron Rosenberg <
>>> arosenberg at logitech.com> wrote:
>>>> Byron,
>>>> Does this change make it any easier to consistently be able to access
>>>> the NIT "request" SipMessage when processing a NIT "response"? Right now,
>>>> when dealing with NIT REFER's, if the REFER gets 4xx'ed, there is no easy
>>>> way that I can figure out to access the original Request so that we can
>>>> extract the original ReferTo header.
>>>> -Aron
>>>> Aron Rosenberg
>>>> Sr. Director, Engineering,
>>>> LifeSize, a division of Logitech
>>>> On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 1:14 PM, <svn at resiprocate.org> wrote:
>>>>>  Projectresiprocate New Revision9206<http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate?view=rev&rev=9206>
>>>>> Committerbcampen (Byron Campen) Date2011-06-25 15:14:49 -0500 (Sat, 25
>>>>> Jun 2011) Log
>>>>>  Two changes that were somewhat tangled together, since they both used the same
>>>>>  refactoring of the Transport SendData code.
>>>>>  1) State shedding modifications to TransactionState
>>>>>     In a number of cases, we were preserving state (in the form of SipMessages
>>>>>     and DnsResults) in cases where we did not really need them any more. For
>>>>>     example, once we have transmitted a response, there is no need
>>>>>     to preserve the full SipMessage for this response (the raw retransmit buffer
>>>>>     is sufficient). Also, INVITE requests do not need to be maintained once
>>>>>     a final response comes in (since there is no possibility that we'll need to
>>>>>     send a simulated 408 or 503 to the TU, nor will we need to construct a CANCEL
>>>>>     request using the INVITE, nor will we need to retransmit). Similarly, once we
>>>>>     have received a final response for a NIT transaction, we no longer need to
>>>>>     maintain the original request or the retransmit buffer. Lastly, if we are
>>>>>     using a reliable transport, we do not need to maintain retransmit buffers
>>>>>     (although we may need to maintain full original requests for simulated
>>>>>     responses and such).
>>>>>     This change has basically no impact on reliable NIT performance, but a huge
>>>>>     impact on non-reliable and INVITE performance. Prior to this change, either
>>>>>     NIT UDP or INVITE TCP testStack would exhaust main memory on my laptop (with
>>>>>     4GB of main memory), bringing progress to a complete halt on runs longer than
>>>>>     15 seconds or so. I did not bother trying INVITE UDP, but that works now too.
>>>>>  2) Reduction in buffer reallocations while encoding a SipMessage
>>>>>     TransportSelector now keeps a moving average of the outgoing message size,
>>>>>     which is used to preallocate the buffers into which SipMessages are encoded.
>>>>>     This ends up making a small difference in testStack when linked against google
>>>>>     malloc, but a larger difference when linked against OS X's (horrible) standard
>>>>>     malloc.
>>>>> Modified:
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/InternalTransport.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/InternalTransport.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/InternalTransport.hxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/InternalTransport.hxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/SendData.hxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/SendData.hxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/SipMessage.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/SipMessage.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/SipMessage.hxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/SipMessage.hxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/StatisticsManager.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/StatisticsManager.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/StatisticsManager.hxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/StatisticsManager.hxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/TransactionState.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/TransactionState.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/TransactionState.hxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/TransactionState.hxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/Transport.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/Transport.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/Transport.hxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/Transport.hxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/TransportSelector.hxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/TransportSelector.hxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/UdpTransport.hxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/UdpTransport.hxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/test/testConnectionBase.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/test/testConnectionBase.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/test/testTcp.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/test/testTcp.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/test/testUdp.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/resip/stack/test/testUdp.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
>>>>>    - branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/tfm/TestSipEndPoint.cxx
>>>>>    <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/branches/b-TKLC-perf_work/tfm/TestSipEndPoint.cxx?r1=9205&r2=9206&diff_format=l>
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