[reSIProcate] resip, ares, and IPv6
David Stuart
dstuart at counterpath.com
Wed May 11 10:39:44 CDT 2011
OK, sounds reasonable.
Does anyone recall why resip forked ares to begin with? What am I losing
by switching over to c-ares?
On 11-05-11 11:24 AM, Adam Roach wrote:
> To be clear, Brad Spencer actually took the effort to add conditional
> code to resip so that it can use c-ares. This was back in 2008 (although
> it looks like Byron did some fix-up earlier this year), so there might
> be some slight interface drift, but it shouldn't be major work to get
> things to work with the most recent c-ares library.
> If you're using the Makefile-based build system, you simply add
> "--with-resolver=c-ares" to the ./configure script (or find and set the
> corresponding option when you run the script). I'm not certain if
> there's any support in the Visual Studio projects, but the basic idea is
> that you need to:
> 1. Make sure USE_CARES is defined
> 2. Make sure USE_ARES is *not* defined
> 3. Make sure the c-ares headers and libraries are part of your build
> and link setup
> 4. Make sure resip-ares headers and libraries are *not* part of your
> build and link setup
> /a
> On 5/11/11 10:08 AM, Byron Campen wrote:
>> The ares code in resip is a fork of the original (and defunct)
>> ares, as I understand it. c-ares is also a fork of the original ares
>> project, and there was some work on resip a while back to make it
>> compatible with c-ares 1.6. I am not sure how easy it would be to
>> rebase our resip-ares code on the latest c-ares, but it is probably a
>> good thing to do.
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
>>> I haven't tried it, no ..
>>> Though I did notice on the c-ares page that IPv6 support was recently
>>> added.
>>> I'm kind of new to this area, what is the history around ares vs. c-ares
>>> anyways? Is c-ares a fork? Do you think it would be easily integratable
>>> with resip?
>>> And what happened to vanilla ares? I can't find a webpage anywhere..
>>> On 11-05-10 08:53 PM, Byron Campen wrote:
>>>> Have you tried with c-ares? I know that you guys need the
>>>> modifications in contrib/ares, but maybe we can patch up the most
>>>> recent c-ares to suit your needs.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Byron Campen
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I recently found a problem with our version of ares which is used by
>>>>> resip. I'll try to explain.
>>>>> I am working on IPv6 testcases. One of my testcases involves switching
>>>>> off IPv4 stack support and going to IPv6 only configuration.
>>>>> When I do this, I notice that ares does not recognize any DNS servers
>>>>> which are configured for IPv6.
>>>>> After a lengthy debugging session, I traced the fault to a method
>>>>> "init_by_default" inside of ares_init.c. In that method, the technique
>>>>> of calling "GetNetworkParams" is used in order to query windows for
>>>>> its
>>>>> DNS configuration. But, as the following website suggests:
>>>>> http://www.winsocketdotnetworkprogramming.com/winsock2programming/winsock2advancediphelperfunction13.html
>>>>> The GetNetworkParams probably does not return IPv6 related
>>>>> configuration
>>>>> information. Instead, they recommend using GetAdaptersAddresses()
>>>>> instead.
>>>>> So, I'm wondering if anyone else has found this problem, if there is a
>>>>> patch that was submitted, or .. if there is just a newer version of
>>>>> ares
>>>>> somewhere that we need to update to?
>>>>> Awaiting your advice,
>>>>> --
>>>>> David Stuart, CounterPath
>>>>> Email: dstuart (at) counterpath (dot) com
>>>>> Phone: (613) 254-8886 x2234 Web: http://www.counterpath.com/
>>>>> Address: 310 - 350 Terry Fox Drive, Kanata Ontario, K2K 2P5
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>>>>> resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
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>>> --
>>> David Stuart, CounterPath
>>> Email: dstuart (at) counterpath (dot) com
>>> Phone: (613) 254-8886 x2234 Web: http://www.counterpath.com/
>>> Address: 310 - 350 Terry Fox Drive, Kanata Ontario, K2K 2P5
>> _______________________________________________
>> resiprocate-devel mailing list
>> resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
>> https://list.resiprocate.org/mailman/listinfo/resiprocate-devel
David Stuart, CounterPath
Email: dstuart (at) counterpath (dot) com
Phone: (613) 254-8886 x2234 Web: http://www.counterpath.com/
Address: 310 - 350 Terry Fox Drive, Kanata Ontario, K2K 2P5
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