[reSIProcate] Main drive in resiprocate.org server failing

Philip Kizer pckizer at nostrum.com
Tue May 10 12:20:26 CDT 2011

The hard drive in the resiprocate.org server is currently failing.

The project data (subversion repository) is verified safe off-site, though I am currently working on making sure I have up-to-date backups of all additional data on the server (web site, mailing-list archives, etc).

I am working with the colo to plan how to best bring the server back to 100%, but will nurse it along until those additional backups can be performed.  I will likely be doing some form of bare-metal reinstall in the near future requiring some level of rebuilding services a piece at a time.

Expect some downtime in the near future once a plan is worked out, but I will post more updates when I have them.

Sorry for upcoming inconvenience,

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