[reSIProcate] compile error in svn revision 9099

Allen Guan allenguan at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 03:00:54 CDT 2011

Hi, all,

I tried to compile the latest revision 9099 got from SVN with visual
studio 2003. I got the following error when compile
InviteSessionCreator.cxx(93) : error C2662:
'resip::BaseCreator::getLastRequest' : cannot convert 'this' pointer
from 'const resip::InviteSessionCreator' to 'resip::BaseCreator &'
        Conversion loses qualifiers
InviteSessionCreator.cxx(93) : error C2227: left of '->getContents'
must point to class/struct/union

I had no problem with reversion 9098, seems it's caused by the latest
update. Could someone fix it? thanks!


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