[reSIProcate] Optimization of Random class, threads and epoll

Kennard White kennard_white at logitech.com
Mon Feb 28 14:37:47 CST 2011

Hi folks,

There are some new features in resip trunk:

   1. The rutil/Random class has some new options to support better random
   number generation, especially for multi-threaded applications running on
   multiple core machines. See
   http://www.resiprocate.org/Random_number_generation for details. That
   page also includes some interesting performance results. There are
   (different) improvements available for both Windows and POSIXs. The new
   Windows support is based upon work by jgeras at ctpc. The default behavior
   hasn't changed.
   2. The callback-based event loop mechanism (that was originally created
   to provide epoll support) now has a select() based implementation and thus
   can be used on all platforms. This allows applications to construct the
   stack in a single style for all platforms, and take advantage of epoll on
   those platforms that support it. See
   http://www.resiprocate.org/SipStack_Event_Loop for more information. That
   page also includes some Linux-based performance results.
   3. The POSIX configure script has been extended for both the Random
   number generation and epoll support. See
   https://www.resiprocate.org/Configuration_Options for details.
   4. The rutil/Data class has some new low-level methods for higher
   performance operation. Most users wont want to use these methods, but they
   help avoid unneeded copies in certain cases.
   5. Fix for contrib/ares (aka resip-ares) to correctly handle IPv6 for
   certain initialization paths. Credits to ximalaya <ims3g at 126.com> for
   finding and fixing this one.

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