[reSIProcate] epoll prototype patch
Kennard White
kennard_white at logitech.com
Fri Nov 12 01:27:08 CST 2010
I've added some limited epoll support to ares and resip stacks. I just got
it working a couple days ago and it hasn't seen much testing. That said, I'd
appreciate feedback on the overall approach. See attached
resip-epoll-notes.txt for overview and high-level change summary. As I
explain in those notes, my primary goal is to simply to support a very large
number of file descriptors, not improve performance. As such, this is a
partial implementation that attempts to minimize external API changes and
also avoid any behavior changes unless epoll mode is enabled.
Anyways, please see the two attached patch files. This is a patch to apply
to SVN8788 (current as of 11/11/2010).
One immediate question I have: what is the best way to determine if code is
being compiled on platform that supports epoll? The compilation tree doesn't
seem to use autoconf or such. I don't know how many platforms other than
Linux (and only relatively Linux versions) support epoll. Any suggestions
would be appreciated.
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File: resip/stack/doc/resip-epoll-notes.txt
Author: Kennard White
Created: Nov 10, 2010
Updated: Nov 10, 2010
This memo describes the epoll() support within resiprocate. The support
is a prototype only.
The primary purpose of the first version of epoll() support is to allow
resiprocate to have more than 1024 sockets concurrently open. With
select() based system, the fd_set is compile-time limited to 1024 file
descriptors (starting at fd zero). Some systems (which?) allow this
to be increased at compile time, but there are several warnings in code
not to try this. So I didn't :-).
For the curous, my immediate application for needing many concurrent sockets
is a server-side instance of repro that is handling TCP connections in
"outbound" mode; e.g. the connection stay open indefiniately.
By default, epoll() support is disabled. The runtime call must be
made to turn-on epoll support. Right now, epoll is always compiled-in,
and will lead to compilation problems on platforms without epoll.
I need to figure out how to disable this.
This version uses epoll() internally, but doesn't change any external
interfaces. E.g., StackThread doesn't change at all. This is possible
for two reasons:
* epoll maybe used hierarchically/recursively.
* select works fine for handful of descriptors that are small
In particular, it is possible to select() on the epoll
file-descriptor(s). The two main Socket-using subsystems (ares,Transport)
open separate internal epoll descriptors and manage their file descriptors
using epoll. They pass the epoll descriptor up the chain to the owning
thread, which can then use select. All the descriptors seen by select
are opened up early and are less than 1024.
This primary purpose of the change is to support a large number of
transports/connections, something that is just not possible with select().
The epoll support, in its current form, actually makes things slower!
This is because (I assume) there are two levels of system calls involved.
Changes closely related to epoll
Added rutil/FdPoll files and related classes. This implements the system
calls for epoll. Note that this ONLY supports epoll, unlike Poll.hxx
which ONLY supports select and poll. (Aside from the system calls used,
the purpose and interfaces are different).
Changes to contrib/ares and rutil/dns/AresDns. The challenge here is
that while ares only uses a handful of concurrent socket, they are
dynamically opened. In particular, they can be opened after we have all
of our tranport sockets open, and thus ares will get fds > 1024 and the
fdset stuff will fail. Thus needed to make ares work with epoll. Added
new callback system from contrib/ares into AresDns class, which then
handles the epoll interface on its behalf. This is the trickiest
set of changes.
Plumb useInternalPoll flag from SipStack, ExternalDns, DnsStub, to AresDns.
For Transport, when using InternalPoll, work previously performed by
process() is now performed by combination of processPollEvent() and
processTransmmitQueue(). The former is called by the FdPoll dispatcher,
while the later is called by TransportSelector.
Restructure Connection objects to pass received messages up
to owning transport rather than using a fifo passed in via process().
resip/stack/test/testStack extended to have --epoll option to enable.
This doesn't test very much yet, but it is something.
Other Changes
Changed UdpTransport::hasDataToSend() to always return false. We use
the socket-writability callback (fdset or poll) to drive draining the
queue. Returning true here makes the select() timeout zero, which isn't
what we want. E.g., we will wait for writability, even if process() is
immediately invoked.
Fix some test programs (port selection & log levels)
Fix ares set non-blocking function. Added a lot of diags (now commented out)
to find this problem.
Add getSocketError() function to rutil/Socket.cxx
Clarify the multi-platform Socket support in rutil/Socket.hxx
Fix compiler warning in OpenSSLInit.cxx
Fix int vs long int warnings in ares
Does any code is rutil/Poll.hxx?
How to determine which platforms have epoll? Used to conditionally
compile FdPoll.
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