[reSIProcate] Question about scenario where DUM callbacks are not called for client INVITE

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Mon Oct 18 08:15:25 CDT 2010

The reason that the call backs work that way is related to forking.  You can
have multiple dialogs / invite sessions created for each outbound invite, if
the call is forked by a proxy.  I typically use an application defined
subclass of AppDialogSet to track call state.  You can know when the call is
"terminated" after a cancel (with 100 resp only), by placing code in your
AppDialogSet's destructor.   The recon and ichat-gw projects are a good
example implementations of this.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Francis Joanis <francis.joanis at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> (this is using resip 1.6)
> Consider the following scenario:
> - Alice INVITEs Bob
> - Bob replies 100 Trying
> - Alice CANCELs the call to Bob
> - ...
> The InviteSessionHandler onNewSession and onTerminated callbacks are never
> called on Alice's side because Bob never replied anything greater than a 100
> Trying. Note that onNewSession (and friends) are properly called for Bob.
> This might not be a huge issue in an application that simply implements
> Alice's side: since onNewSession is never called, it is "safe" to assume
> that no application logic was really called (i.e. no application state
> created, ...). This is because the call never actually happened as far as
> the application is concerned, yet it is the application that created the
> INVITE message and instructed DUM to send it.
> However, suppose this is implemented into a B2BUA which implements both UAS
> and UAC. If that B2BUA is driven by an application-level FSM, then the above
> scenario might confuse it since it would have been expecting an
> onNewSession/onTerminated for its UAC leg...
> I haven't researched any "nice" solutions yet, I wanted to get your
> opinions first.
> Thanks :)
> Francis
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